Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 Cadc_dev_tThe parameters for adc control
 Cadc_mode_tADC mode settings
 Cadc_tControls and reads the ADC
 Cbasic_gpio_tSimplified GPIO for periph GPIO control
 Cbasic_mode_tBasic mode settings
 Cdac_devThe parameters for dac control
 Cdac_tControls DAC values
 Cgpio_devParameters for gpio control
 Cgpio_mode_tIO pin mode control
 Cgpio_status_tIO pin status
 Cgpio_tControls GPIO settings
 Ci2c_devThe parameters for reg control
 Ci2c_mode_tI2C mode settings
 Ci2c_status_tI2C status
 Ci2c_tSystem settings for the device
 Cmap_tThe memory map
 Cpwm_devThe parameters for pwm control
 Cpwm_tControls and calculates PWM values
 Crtc_tControls the RTC
 Cspi_devThe parameters for spi control
 Cspi_mode_tSPI mode settings
 Cspi_status_tSPI status
 Cspi_tControls and provides information for the spi
 Csys_mode_tSystem mode settings
 Csys_status_tSystem status
 Csys_tSystem settings for PHiLIP
 Ctimestamp_tTime and date
 Ctmr_dev_tThe parameters for tmr control
 Ctmr_mode_tTimer mode settings
 Ctmr_tControls timer input capture values
 Ctrace_tSaved timestamps and events
 Cuart_dev_tThe parameters for uart control
 Cuart_mode_tUART mode settings
 Cuart_status_tUART status
 Cuart_tControls and provides information for the uart