File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 adc.hControls the adc peripheral
 app_common.hFor common application functions
 app_reg.hAccessing application registers
 app_shell_if.hProtocol for application communication
 gpio.hGPIO management
 i2c.hControls the i2c peripheral
 led_flash.hFlashes the LED, the most important thing in embedded
 map_if.hHandles memory map specific interface functions
 pwm_dac.hControls the pwm and dac peripheral
 rtc.hControls the rtc peripheral
 spi.hControls the spi peripheral
 stm32f1xx_hal_conf.hHAL configuration file
 sys.hSystem control and management
 trace.hUsed for logging traces
 uart.hControls the uart peripherals
 wdt.hHandles watchdog timer periph
 adc.cControls the adc peripheral
 app_common.cFor common application functions
 app_reg.cAccessing application registers
 app_shell_if.cProtocol for application communication
 gpio.cGPIO management
 i2c.cControls the i2c peripheral
 led_flash.cFlashes the LED, the most important thing in embedded
 main.cMain function that initializes and controls super loop and polling based functions
 map_if.cHandles memory map specific interface functions
 pwm_dac.cControls the pwm and dac peripheral
 rtc.cControls the rtc peripheral
 spi.cControls the spi peripheral
 stm32f1xx_it.cHandles all the system interrupts
 sys.cSystem control and management
 system_stm32f1xx.cCMSIS Cortex-M3 Device Peripheral Access Layer System Source File
 tmr.cControls the timer peripheral
 trace.cUsed for logging traces
 uart.cControls the uart peripherals
 wdt.cHandles watchdog timer periph