Inc Directory Reference


file  adc.h [code]
 Controls the adc peripheral.
file  app_common.h [code]
 For common application functions.
file  app_reg.h [code]
 Accessing application registers.
file  app_shell_if.h [code]
 Protocol for application communication.
file  gpio.h [code]
 GPIO management.
file  i2c.h [code]
 Controls the i2c peripheral.
file  led_flash.h [code]
 Flashes the LED, the most important thing in embedded.
file  map_if.h [code]
 Handles memory map specific interface functions.
file  pwm_dac.h [code]
 Controls the pwm and dac peripheral.
file  rtc.h [code]
 Controls the rtc peripheral.
file  spi.h [code]
 Controls the spi peripheral.
file  stm32f1xx_hal_conf.h [code]
 HAL configuration file.
file  sys.h [code]
 System control and management.
file  trace.h [code]
 Used for logging traces.
file  uart.h [code]
 Controls the uart peripherals.
file  wdt.h [code]
 Handles watchdog timer periph.